How to Remove Mold from Leather Shoes: Top 10 Proven Ways

Last updated on April 28th, 2024 at 08:58 pm

how to remove mold from leather shoes

Nowadays leather shoes become very popular among us when it comes to long-term usage as well as for a perfect look. Apparently, a pure leather shoe is way costlier than a fake one so caring for it is a must.

As per the research of the University of Arizona and ABC News, they found in people’s shoes there are more than 9 species of bacteria and fungus present that cause different infections in the human body.

Noticing visible white or grey marks on the leather shoes is a common problem for users. Mainly, this happens due to the fungus or mold attack, which might be for carelessness or for some weather conditions.

Before we move further you also need to understand why this happens and the different types of fungus attacks I discussed below so that help to solve the problem from the root.

Let’s get started,

What Causes Mold on Leather

What do you think about why this happens?

If after buying something you stop using it after a while, it will definitely become useless, won’t it? Like electronic items for example.

The same thing is also applicable to your pair of shoes, but also there are other possible reasons that fungus makes colonies on your shoes. Let’s see,

1. Weather Conditions

Temperature plays a vital role in this situation but you can’t challenge nature to solve this problem.

According to the Researchgate, an ideal temperature is required for the fungus to grow which ranges from 25 to 30. They cannot live on more or less than this.

They mostly grow in places where the climate is more watery and warm, which means a humid climate. These things are more common during the monsoon and spring seasons.


Use a sealed wrapper to store the shoes so that the outer weather condition doesn’t affect the inner condition. Also, proper caring is suggested.

2. Not Treating Shoes Properly

Some people throw their shoes into some dark side of the house after using them till the day. It is a very bad practice because in this way you are inviting those mold patches onto your shoes.

In the storeroom or darkest place of your house, the weather condition is somehow different than the other rooms like the humidity is higher. This condition helps the fungi spores to grow fast.

Secondly, if you haven’t used your shoes for a long time and just leave them alone, then that’s also a big reason for the growth of fungi spores. However, it doesn’t matter if you are wearing it or not may be some reason behind it, but it is a big mistake not to take care of your pair of shoes for a long time.


  • Keep your shoes away from the storeroom or places where it is dark and as I told you before keep them in any sealed rapper or air-tight container.
  • Use proper shoe conditioner, and wax before and after using your shoes to polish and gift them a long life.

You May Also Read: How does polish protect leather shoes?

3. Sweaty Shoes

It makes sense that sweaty feet are one of the reasons for molds in shoes. Everyone, finding a solution how to remove molds from the outer part of leather shoes.

But, what about inside the shoes?

Inside the shoes, the material is softer and more sensitive than the outer one and as we know leather is nothing just a fabric that absorbs water. It absorbs the sweat from your feet.

It is nothing just, a tonic for the mold spores to grow inside the shoe and the reason for damaging fabric fast. However, using socks is not a complete solution for this.


  • After using the shoes you need to clean the inner section with a brush or cloth also like the outer section. Every day putting shoes in front of the sun for some time is a good solution of it.
  • Also to remove odor from shoes you can use any good odor removal spray for good results.
  • You can use silica gel sachets also to eliminate moisture and odor from your shoes.

You May Also Read: How to Eliminate Bad Odor from Shoes

4. Not Cleaning Joint of  Shoes

How many people think about this?

Very few people look at the joints and stitches of shoes and think about cleaning them. But in my observations, it is also a place from the fungus can grow.

When you clean your shoes with initial watery solutions, in that case, these particular joints, mainly stitches absorb the solution, and if you make shoes unusable there is a chance to start the formation of those patches.


When you clean your shoes make sure to clean those joint areas or stitches with small cotton sticks by using your shoe conditioner or liquid polish and make that area completely dry.

How to Remove Mold from Leather Shoes

I told you above about how you can prevent mold or fungus formation on your shoes, but what to do if your shoes are already affected?

Let’s see some tested tips,

1. With a Brush

With brushing, you can clean those fungi spores from your shoe if you notice mild patches and if the molding process is just starting. If it is too late then follow the steps below.

2. With Salt Water

Salt has natural antibacterial property which can treat fungus attacks on any surface. But also it can harm the shoe fabric if the salt particles completely not removed from the fabric.

But which salt can be used to treat fungus attack on shoe?

Epsom salt for treating fungal infection is the best option among all. It is completely different from the table salt or sea salt by composition.

  • In a bowl, mix one teaspoon of Epsom salt in one cup of water.
  • Now with a cloth just rinse the solution and apply on the shoe.
  • Wait for some minutes and now clean with normal water with a cloth.
  • Make it dry and use it as usual.

3. With Warm Water

  • Heat can clear any infection and stains. For mild mold attack symptoms, you can simply clean it with warm water.
  • Take a bowl of warm water with a temperature around 90 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit and with a clean cloth gently apply it to the area.
  • Now make it dry and after 3 to 4 hours repeat the same process.
  • If possible then keep it under the sunlight for some hours.

4. By Vinegar

  • Any mild acid solution like vinegar can kill the mold spores easily.
  • Before applying the solution clean your shoes first with a brush to remove dust or mud.
  • Take a bowl and make a solution of vinegar by taking 1 part of vinegar and 2 part of water and clean the shoe with a smooth cloth.
  • Make the shoe dry and for better results, you can keep shoes outside under the sunlight.
  • Apply the shoe conditioner and your shoes are ready like new.

5. By Alcohol

  • Like acid alcohol also has the property to remove molds from shoes even alcohol helps to eliminate various infections from the human body. 
  • After cleaning the dust take 1 part of Isopropyl alcohol and 3 part of water, make a solution, and apply it to the affected area.
  • This process is a little bit faster than the vinegar solution process.
  • Do not apply alcohol directly without making a solution to the shoe fabric.

6. Use Tea Tree Oil

  • Tea tree oil contains natural microbial ingredients, which is why people apply it to their hair or face to reduce acne.
  • Because it is applied to the hair and face, it is very safe to use it in leather. Also, due to their oily nature, the shoes have a shine, and the odor also gets removed.
  • First, wipe the shoe with a wet cloth and then apply a layer of tea tree oil on it with the help of a cloth.
  • Now leave it for a few hours and then you can use it normally.
  • This method works most effectively at night, so do it when you are going to sleep and leave it for the whole night.

How to Get Rid of Mold Inside Shoes

How to Remove Mold from Leather Shoes

If you ever noticed, the material inside the shoe (not the insole but inside walls) is quite soft and rough. If you look properly, some black patches you can notice on the inside walls.

This type of black mold is also noticed on insoles. However, the insole is changeable.

Also, the collar padding is where foam is given for extra comfort for the heels. But foam also absorbs and stores sweat, which causes fungus to form.

But, What is the solution?

  • Take a clean cloth and dip it in the dilute vinegar solution or in any antifungal solution like clotrimazole and clean the area.
  • When the shoe is unused, spread the antifungal powder inside and give it rest. But always remember to clean the powder properly before use.
  • But above steps are not applicable to the collar padding, but you can keep the shoe under sunlight for some time.
  • To prevent it, make and use cotton pads of two to three layers and place it inside the shoe while wearing. But after a gap of two or three days replace it with a new one.

Things in Mind Before You Start the Process

  • Bleach is a powerful thing that can easily clean fungus from the tiles or any strong materials. Do not apply it on shoes because they can easily damage the fabrics.
  • When you are applying vinegar, alcohol, or whatever always make a dilute solution with water and apply, that is safe for shoes.
  • When you are cleaning shoes do not forget to clean the joint parts because as I told you what problem occurs. Use small cotton sticks to clean.

Final Thoughts on How to Remove Mold from Leather Shoes

Fungus or mold is something, which can grow almost everywhere where there are favorable conditions for them to be born. The shoe is one of the best places among them.

Mold is harmful to the shoes and can damage easily but if you notice it at an early stage, you can save it.

Also, keep in mind to clean your feet properly with soap before and after wearing the shoe and can apply antifungal cream. It largely helps to eliminate the issue from the root.

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Thanks for reading………..

FAQ on How to Remove Mold from Leather Shoes

What Kills Mold on Leather?

You can use vinegar and water solution(1:2), Isopropyl Alcohol and water solution(1:2), or raw lemon juice and water solution also to completely kill mold on leather.

Is Mold on Leather Dangerous?

Yes, definitely it is harmful to your shoes as it damages your shoe fabric easily if you do not notice or clean it at the initial stage. Also, it is harmful to the human body.

Can I Leave Vinegar on Mold Overnight?

If you are using an extremely dilute form of vinegar (mixed with water at a 1:2 ratio) then yes you can leave it overnight. Do not apply vinegar directly onto the molds.

Does Sunlight Kill Mold on Leather?

Yes, it is the best way to kill fungi spores from the root, but keep in mind light sunlight is a better option because bright sunlight and heat can damage the fabrics permanently.

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