About Us

Welcome to preleather.com, the all-in-one solution for different leather products but we specialize in shoes.

The idea came to our mind to start the website when we noticed the use of leather in society, and it is quite obvious if there is uses also there is trouble and for that, we are here. All kinds of solutions related to genuine leather, top grain leather, synthetic leather, etc. materials you can get here.

We never charge money from our visitors to read our articles or forced them to buy any products directly or indirectly. Our aim is to provide value to our visitors with a smile. However, we promote some good products if we feel that worth it for you guys, and for this we earn a commission also.

Read our articles and feel free to ask any question if you want in the comment section we will love to answer or if you need anything else you can contact us through our email: [email protected]

Note: We do not have any other site named preleather except this. Be careful!!!

From The Founder

Hey guys, how are you!

I am Hrushikesh Panigrahi founded this website in 2022. Coming to my profession I am an Electrical Engineer.

Now I had more than 5 years of experience in the leather and chemical industries and because of this, I have seen leather making, tanning, and making products from that very closely. I thought why not share my knowledge with everyone through the internet or by blogging and right now it is my passion.

We have a team of experienced people whose job is to do the right research, try it out, and present it to the audience. I write all articles on this website with my personal experience and knowledge.

Our only aim was and will remain that to solve the problems of the people in some tried and tested ways. If you like our work then give us your love and encourage us to do more.

Thanks Guys………..

From The Co-founder

Hello friends,

I am Subhrajit Parhi,

Preleather is my first love by the way. After so many years of serving as a software developer, I was lost somewhere.

I wanted to do something exciting in my life and then I joined here. As our founder says getting the right information to our audience is the biggest achievement for us. We will always try to do something new for you.

Thank You Very Much………..