How To Fix Discolored Leather Shoes: 5 Easy Steps!

Last updated on June 9th, 2024 at 11:21 pm

How To Fix Discolored Leather Shoes

Color makes things different from each other and which we also recognize. But if the color of something gets discolored, it does not even look good and then we go for a new one and the same cycle starts again.

As per Researchgate the coloration of leather shoes is done with eco-friendly and nontoxic natural dyes nowadays. This not only gives different vibrant colors but also provides strength to the shoes.

But, when you use the shoes regularly for four to five years, maybe the shoe discolored automatically. Also, this problem of shoe discoloration does not happen to everyone.

Temperature, working conditions, and how much care you take after using the shoe, makes sense for the shoe to be discolored. But even after taking the best care, you may still face this.

In this article, you will learn why shoes are discolored, how to fix them, and how you will ensure that your Shoe does not get discolored in the future.

Let’s Start…….

Why Shoes Get Discolored

Leather shoes look perfect with whatever dress you wear them with. After a long time of use, this issue was noticed.

Also, if you are doing a job in any industry or in a construction company, you can relate properly. Whenever any compound by mistakenly dropped on a shoe that creates dark spots on it, of course with a different color.

As there is a boiler in every industry, so many times when I used to go near the boiler on-site visit, I used to get stains of furnace oil. Now such stains do not come out of the cloth, then the color starts changing from there.

Due To Crease Marks

When we walk or sit somewhere wearing shoes, the surface of the shoe bends accordingly. Now, this happens at a particular section every time, a stain appears there and gradually the upper part becomes soft enough for peeling and discoloring.

From there the color fades, which later appears light grey in color. As this is a common issue, it happens to almost everyone.

Going To A Cobbler

Sharing a personal experience, a few months ago, my shoe stitching was loose, I went to a cobbler nearby, and he used a special gum to stick the sole properly, then he stitched the sole.

When I brought it home after one day, I saw that some gum had gotten stuck on the shoes and it was looking bad as well. When I tried to remove it with a kitchen knife, then the color of that area started changing.

Now, I do not complain that all are bad. For those who are professionals, these kinds of mistakes are almost negligible.

Place You Are Living

If you are living in such a place where temperature varies, like in daytime temperature rises and in the night it drops, there it can be seen to a great extent.

Like in humans when the temperature rises our skin gets dark. In the case of the leather same thing may be observed, but here the dye gets lighter gradually.

Also, in the rain when you wear shoes, due to continuous exposure to mud and water, the shoe gets damaged a lot and also it affects the color also.

The mismatch of color looks so bad that you must rectify it.

How To Clear Crease Marks on The Shoe

  • I need some stuff like an iron and a damp cloth.
  • Take the damp cloth and put it on the shoe, heat the iron, and press it lightly on the crease area.
  • Keep moving the iron, do not stop it in one place, otherwise, there are chances of shoe damage.
  • First, heat the iron, plug it out, and then use it.
  • Also, keep in mind, In the middle of this process, it is to be noted that the damp cloth has to be wet every two to three minutes.
  • Continue this process two to three times. These are all common reasons for shoe discoloration.
  • If you notice no changes after this, I have discussed it separately you can read that.

You May Also Read: How to Fix Scratches on Leather Shoes

How To Fix Discolored Leather Shoes

Here we will need a few things and we will do it in a proper manner. Some items like,

  • A wooden tree shoe stretcher
  • Horsehair brush
  • Saddle soap
  • Cream Polish Dye
  • Shoe Conditioner

Step 1: Use a Shoe Stretcher

  • By using a shoe stretcher, the shoe will remain in its shape.
  • Before using the shoe stretcher, you must first remove the shoelaces.
  • Now insert the shoe stretcher inside the shoe.
  • Clean the shoelaces with a toothbrush dipped in a little warm water.

Step 2: Use a Horsehair Brush

  • Always remember you must use a horsehair brush because of its softness, it does not damage the shoe by rubbing it on top of it.
  • Brush the top of the shoe as if all the dust is removed, and brush continuously for three to four minutes.
  • Don’t forget to brush near the tongue of the shoe.

Step 3: Use Saddle Soap

  • Saddle soap has a great feature, it will retain the moisture of the shoe and keep it soft.
  • Dip the brush in a bit of water, then dip it in the saddle soap and apply it on the entire top of the shoe, as if there is not even a small gap.
  • Take a dry cloth and wipe it well. One thing to note is that the shoe should not be soaked in water.
  • A leather shoe is not waterproof. After this, the shoe must dry for at least three hours.

Step 4: Use Cream Polish Dye or Wax Polish

  • Take a cream polish dye that matches exactly your shoe color.
  • Take a small brush and apply cream polish everywhere on the shoe, first apply it once, then leave it for ten minutes and again apply it over the shoe, do this three times.
  • If this cream polish does not exactly match the color of your shoe, then you can also use wax polish on top of the shoe.
  • Wax polishing will give your shoe a deep color and a nice finish.
  • After applying wax and polish, leave the shoe for six hours to dry.

Step 5: Final Touch

  • Now for the finishing touch take a good quality leather conditioner and apply it on the shoe with a dry cloth or sponge.
  • It also hides the cut marks and gives a perfect finish to the shoe.

8 Point Check List: Prevent Leather Shoe Discoloration

  1. Storage: Storage that should be cool and completely restricts air from entering.
  2. Regular Cleaning: Before and after use clean with a soft cloth and choose a specific leather cleaner only.
  3. Condition: Prevent the dryness of the shoe by applying good quality conditioner thrice a week.
  4. Waterproofing: Use a waterproof spray just before wearing the shoe.
  5. Prevent stretching and creases: Make sure not to wear tight shoes and if possible use a shoe horn while wearing the shoe.
  6. Interchanging: Do not wear the same shoe regularly to avoid fast aging.
  7. Watch Regularly: Inspect the shoe daily for better clarity of maintenance.
  8. Get professional help: Take help from a professional cobbler when the situation is out of control.

Final Thoughts on How To Fix Discolored Leather Shoes

Anyhow if the color comes out from your clothes or any other daily used things, then you cannot restore it, you have to replace it. But in the case of shoes, you can do it with some simple steps.

You must know that when the color comes out of the shoe, we cannot restore it, even if no one can. Restoring simply means that we will paint it back the way it was before.

If you do not have time or do not want to take a headache then you can go to a professional cobbler, but make sure to examine and research before you hand over the shoe.

But, if you tried out our steps and got a result then let us know in the comment section.

Thank You For Reading…………….

FAQs on How To Fix Discolored Leather Shoes

How to Fix Faded Leather Shoes?

The color fades due to the strong sunlight. First to prevent it, after wearing a shoe always condition it with a good conditioner. If the shoe starts fading then use a cream polish dye and polish the shoe after it, condition the shoe.

How to Rehydrate Leather Boots?

Rehydrating leather boots rejuvenate their fibers so that it retains their shine and strength. A good quality wax-based polish and conditioner are needed.

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